Friday, 4.20.18 36 years old 188 pounds Denver, CO On April 20, 1999, I was in a high school in downtown Rome, Italy. As part of a student learning program for Italian language students in the city of Boston, a handful of us from three different schools were flown to Italy for a nine-day tour of the country. We saw the canals of Venice, the art museums of Florence, and the ruins of Rome. We stood on the banks of the Tiber River. We climbed to the cuppola of St. Peter's Basilica. We attended mass in the plaza of Vatican City with Pope John Paul II. We ate. Oh my God, did we eat. This being a school trip, though, there were some responsibilities. We had to spend one day in an actual Italian high school, taking classes and sitting in lecture like every other Roman high school student our age. It was a challenge for two reasons. The first was that while we had been studying Italian for five years, NOTHING prepares one for the speed of the native speakers. The second was that the...
Focus on the journey and the destination will find you.