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Showing posts from August, 2018

Post #17

Wednesday, 8.29.18 10:49pm 36 years old 187 pounds Top 5 Outkast Songs: SpottieOttieDopalicious, B.O.B., Humble Mumble, Southernplayalistic, Roses Denver, CO 2018 has been an astonishingly strange year thus far. The author is feeling reflective as we tick down to September and begin the final quarter turn. How do we still have four months left to go? How do we only have four months left to go? On a cold, clear night in January, I left/was fired from the one job I'd known since arriving in Denver. It was devastating to me at the time, and then liberating, and then frightening. I fought through some very lean months with the gracious help of friends and my new adopted family here in this strange city next to the mountains. There solidified within me this feeling that I was doing all the right things and had made all the right choices and though it was difficult to see at the time, it would all work out to be okay. It was more difficult to know this truth on some days. On a...

Post #16

Tuesday, 8.21.18 3:06pm 36 years old (feels like) 1000 pounds Lake Pend Oreille, ID If the company a man keeps is a reflection of who he is, then I would like to apologize for being a drunk and a drug addict. I would like to apologize for being someone who is flaky and bad about keeping plans. I would like to apologize for being terrible about keeping in touch. I would like to apologize for being unreliable, for not doing what I'm asked, for being impulsive, for thinking always and only of myself. I would like to apologize for being a bad friend. I would like to apologize for being passive-aggressive on social media. I would like to apologize for manipulating the emotions of the people I care about most. I would like to apologize for being a bad friend. And I think maybe from now on, I will severely limit the company I keep.