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Post #1

Wednesday, 2.28.18
36 years old
187 pounds
Cigarette intake: occasional
Exercise regiment: occasionally not
Days without alcohol: 1004
Days of borderline rage at lack of alcohol: 1001
Denver, CO

This particular journey begins with a blog post. It is the first blog post by the author in some time, so the author is hopeful that you will bear with him as this ship finds easier eddies of epistrophe and smoother seas of syllepsis. Onward we press.

The author wonders where there is left to go, now that we've covered the map. There are no untouched places, there are no unseen spaces, there are no tribes or races left for new discovery. (Well, not totally, of course. The author will no doubt be proven wrong in the coming weeks or months by some newfound flora or fauna from the tropical jungles or the briny deep or the snow-capped peaks.) But those discoveries are becoming fewer and farther between, are they not? Our spirit of "FORWARD!" has become an inward search, or an upward search, and an outward search, as we explore ourselves and our minds, our skies, and our outer spaces. We have manifested destiny, reader. It is all on-demand, your demand, at any time you like. What a wondrous thing to watch us all squander at once.

The author is hopeful that there is still some of the map left to discover, and this log is the chronicle of that search. Thank you, reader, for joining in the adventure. Let us set about to discovery. There is a very large world still to behold.


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